Nothing Better!
This has been proven, against conventional wisdom, that wind can be captured by light-weight fan shaped blades with 17 times the surface area of a similar length conventional wind turbine blades.
The blades weigh only 1.5 lb (700 grams) each with 6 ft (~2 m) total diameter. This puts the total turbine weight at 33 lb (15 kg). The Xenecore Fan-Shape blades measure 7mm at the thickest point to 3mm to the thinnest point.
The generator is 5 kW with starting torque at .1NM, capable of producing meaningful energy output at very low wind speed.
Perfect for Off-Grid and On-Grid applications.
While other wind turbines require average of 20mph (9 m/s) to make installing a wind turbine worthwhile, our FANTURBINE only require 6 mph (3m/s). Considering that the average annual wind speed in USA is ~12mph, our Fan Turbines are ideal for energy solution for home, office, agriculture, telecom towers, ON/OFF grid, and smart cities around the world.
Just $9997!